
非常棒的一首歌 詞曲都非常有深度 強烈推薦看一下!
這首A Trace of Blood出自於他們的經典專輯之一 Remedy Lane
但小孩在母親腹中毫無生命跡象  來到這人世上的只是一灘灘的血跡
初為人父母的喜悅瞬間因這無情的打擊而被悲憤與絕望所取代...副歌部分真情流露  聽者無不潸然淚下...
整張專輯為概念式架構 包含兩個年輕父母的故事 這是第一篇
但最後仍然無法承受巨大壓力 選擇用領帶上吊自殺  其中一段歌詞:


Pain of Salvation  一個和Dream Theater並列為前衛金屬兩大龍頭的樂團
如果說Dream Theater成功的將音樂的流暢性與前衛性巧妙的結合
那Pain of Salvation便是將音樂的前衛性作了最好的詮釋
所謂的龍頭也是結合了知名度的要素 所以當然還有很多默默無名但不下這兩團的好團

Pain of Salvation - A Trace of Blood(MV有劇情 配合歌詞服用更棒)

Pain of Salvation - A Trace of Blood

Touching ground Going home to those I miss
期待的 回到我想念的家
Safe and sound Weeks of exile turn to bliss
離開幾週 安然無恙 幸福愉快
But there's something in her voice When she is calling me
但當她呼喊著我 在她的聲音中 透露出某些事情
A trace of blood to lead me
一道血跡 使我
Through roads of agony With blood taste in my mouth
踏上痛不欲生的道路 伴隨著滿口鮮血的滋味
And clouds before my eyes
I kneel beside the bed Where my bleeding dryad lies

Three young souls in misery

Hitting ground Nausea wakes me up at dawn
跌落地面 並且在清晨從噁心中醒來
Hopes are found Dissected, turned and then Withdrawn
希望被切割 隨即沉靜
A chair of steel and wire Her legs are open wide
一張鐵椅 她的雙腿張開
Helpless in myself I stand there cold beside
The doctors stay away Leave us with this dismay
醫生走開 留下了我們以及驚懼
To see the colours of a miracle Fade and turn to gray
看著奇蹟的色彩逐漸褪色 變得灰暗

Then a cry and rivers of blood Flow so sadly
一陣號泣 血流成河 悲哀地流著 並且
bringing you
Our dreams pour into a cold tray Two young souls in misery
我們的夢 注入 一個冰冷的鐵盤 兩個不幸的靈魂
Missing you

I never knew your name but I will miss you just the same
我從未知道你的名字 但仍對你思念如昔
I was to live for you I lost the will to live at all the day you came
我曾經為你而活 但是在你到來的那天 我失去了求生意志
It'll never be the same but I will love you just the same
這些都不會重來 但我仍愛你如昔
You were to be the first, how wonderful
Now I will always fear to hope again

The irony Of seeing me whispering through her skin
這個與期待相反的結局 看著我透過她的肚皮細語
So joyfully To our child there deep within
Or of when she called to me To tell me cheerfully
當她打電話給我  開心地告訴我
That she had seen your shape On a hospital screen
And of nurses being concerned That you never moved or turned
而護士開始擔心 因為你已沒有動靜
Too late we see the warnings Too late we learn

I never saw your face and now you're gone without a trace
我從未見過你的臉龐 如今你離去 不著痕跡
Except the trace of blood that's deeply scarred into my eyes To fill your place
除了這道血跡 深深地在我眼裡劃下傷痕 來填補你的空缺
It'll never be the same but I will love you just the same
這些都不會重來 但我仍愛你如昔
I was prepared to be your father How can I ever prepare for that again?
我曾準備當你的父親 這叫我怎麼去面對這一切

Still I follow that trace of blood Always leading back to you
隨著那道血跡 總是引領我回想起你
Hollow years of damming that flood Two young souls in misery
在這受盡壓抑的空洞數年 兩個不幸的靈魂隨波逐流

Missing you... missing you...
失去你... 失去你... 



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